Thursday, June 23, 2016

Was "The Blob" An Amoeba???????????????????????????

                             After reading this morning about the tragic death of a young, eighteen-year-old woman from Ohio, who died from a brain-eating amoeba, while on a trip to Charlotte, North Carolina, I started thinking of that camp classic, "The Flesh Eaters," but,more importantly, the 1958 gem, "The Blob," featuring a young Steve McQueen, and Aneta Corsaut, years before she became known as spinster school teacher, Helen Trump, on "The Andy Griffith" show.

                              "What was The Blob?" so many of us wondered, as children.  Out of endless talks came the conclusion--I can't recall from whom--that The Blob was an amoeba. And this was before I had even learned the word, or what one was.  This was back in the day when I was so innocent, I thought sophistication was luncheon wearing gloves, with Nancy Drew and her chums, especially that George, completely unaware--then--that the whole thing was code for lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   To me, The Blob was some moving mass of laminated Play-Doh.  At least, that is the way it looked, on screen.  I loved when it rolled into the movie theater, sending crowds screaming, and, of course, when it engulfed the diner..

                                     It even killed a sweet little dog, but at least that was done off screen!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      I think even The Blob had more brains, than this brain eating amoeba!  And there are lots of brainless amoebas walking around on two legs, out  there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        As Ray Bolger said, in "The Wizard Of Oz," "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking!"

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