Wednesday, June 15, 2016

This Is The Latest Annoying Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I thought, for a time, we were rid of Connie and Jack, but they are still around. But, have you seen the latest commercial for Little Caesar Pizza????????  It is nauseating, both for its product, and its execution.

                                Little Caesar is one of the crap brands of pizza that people with sense would not dare eat--like Domino's and Pizza Hut.  The ad for Little Caesar must have been made by some frustrated opera queen who did not make it--and there are LOTS of those, darlings!!!!!!!!!--because the whole thing consists of talking heads singing "The cheese is in the crust," like it is Grand Opera. At first viewing, it is way over the top. By the third it is disgusting, especially with that cheese oozing out, reminding me of the birth scene in Ridley Scott's original "Alien."  Too bad Little Caesar could not get Veronica Cartwright to scream over this one!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Here is an example of--excuse me!!!!!!--a really cheesy product, and an example of yet how lover our culture has sunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  What is next, girls??????????????????????????

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