Tuesday, June 14, 2016

It Took BARBRA--BARBRA--To Ruin "At The Ballet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            I still think "At The Ballet" is one of the best musical numbers ever staged, and one of the greatest show tunes ever written. It survived "Glee," and it survived concertizing, with Audra McDonald, Megan Hilty, and Kelli O'Hara.

                              What it cannot survive is BARBRA STREISAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               First, here is the Original 1975 Cast. Notice how it does sound. Raw, emotional, a song about people wanting to be in ballet, but having to settle, because they were so desperate to dance.

                                 What BARBRA has done is taken all the guts out of it. She is so far from reality she does not recall a time when she had salad days.  When she was just a young thing coming up, that gays and others talked about, following their sojourns to the Village.  She is so out of touch with reality it does not exist for her.

                                    So, she gets two other women, who can sing--Anne Hathaway and Daisy Ridley, who are the right ages, at least,-- and makes the song a love song to prima ballerinas. The song now sounds like a trio, not of hard bitten performers, but dance divas!  Now, Sheila may be, as the saying goes, "the over aged chorus girl in the piece," but BARBRA, honey, you are REALLY pushing it, there, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You are older than Kelly Bishop, the ORIGINAL Sheila, who is the only one who should be allowed to do the piece at that age.  As well as costars Nancy Lane and Kay Cole!

                                     But, BARBRA is BARBRA; she is so in love with herself, she feels she can get away with anything!

                                       Just disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Hey, BARBRA, don't pop a hip, trying to do Cassie, now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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