Tuesday, June 14, 2016

What Ever Happened To David Marshall Grant????????????

                                    The other night, as the TONYS were parading actors who have appeared in various franchises of "Law And Order," I began to wonder about one of what I call the REAL actors out there. And that is David Marshall Grant.

                                     I found out his birthday is coming up. So, a happy premature birthday, David. It is exactly a week from today.  What is astonishing is that, on that day, he will be my age--61--which meant we would, had we been, been in school together.  David looks ten years younger than yours truly, as far as I am concerned, dolls.

                                      No one taps into emotional angst better than David. Nor looks better, while dong it. Indeed, there was so much yumminess, both visual and dramatic, in the original "Angels In America," who could take one's eyes off the stage?  Or David, when he was on it???????????

                                        Then, David became a playwright, with "Snakebit."  I wish he had written more.  I wish he would direct; I would love to work with him.  It seems like he is now more on the other side of the footlights, which is great, but some of us would like to see more of him, acting.

                                          We want to see more of you, David!  Think about it, in the year ahead!!!!!!!!!!

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