Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Maybe This Will Scare You To Vote, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            After even the little bit of convention watching I have been doing, I am worried.  I don't think Trump will get elected, but I keep hearing how strong a possibility it is.  And that is what scares me.

                             I have put up a zombified face of Hillary Clinton, not because I have anything against her; in fact, I am all for her, and our house is a Hillary House; even Baby Gojira will be voting for her.  Rather, I use this to show what we will all be transformed into, should Trump get elected.

                               Women, gays, and minorities will lose their jobs, homes, and be thrown out on the streets, dying in one another's arms, like in John Steinbeck's "The Grapes Of Wrath."  Prostitution will go up, because what other jobs will be available for these folk?  And women will die once again at the hands of back street or home abortionists, in  a style unseen since the 1950's.  Remember Demi Moore, as Claire, in "If These Walls Could Talk?"  I am telling you, this is what we could be going back to!

                                 So, I am urging everyone to look at this face and ask, "Is that what I want to be?"

                                  If the answer is no, you better make damn sure you cast your vote for Hillary!!!!!!!!

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