Friday, July 29, 2016

This Bitch Deserves To Be Seen And Heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Excuse the belated posting this week, darlings, but I am facing all kinds of challenges--from work, from my Summer Reading Program, and from the heat and humidity and more generated by recent political conventions.

                                 Nevertheless, the winner of this week's Bitch Of The Week Award is a character seen only through the eyes of other characters.  She is the mother of Billy Bibbit in both the novel, play and movie of "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest."

                                  This is an artist's interpretive rendering of her, and it is pretty good.  Within the story, she is seen only through Billy, in whom one can see what she did to him, and Nurse Ratched, through which can be seen how.  But there have always been things about this character's back story that I wanted to know.

                                     Was there ever a Mr. Bibbit?  Did he ditch them, because he could not stand her castrating ways, or did she murder him?  Or was Mr. Bibbit just a transient thing, like Margaret White, with Ralph, so, once having been impregnated, she takes it out on the child?  And what was her mother like?  Was she a monster of abuse? Or her father?

                                       I would like to see a story done about this woman, though many would cite Dave Pelzer's "A Child Called IT," as being such.

                                        How did she and Nurse Ratched become old friends?  Mrs. Bibbit certainly does not strike me as having been a medical profession, Ratched tells Billy she and her mother are "old friends," so where might they have crossed paths?

                                           If you have any ideas along these lines, or the character of Mrs. Bibbit, please explain here.  Oh, and what about her social standing?  She broke up her son's marriage to a girl he wanted, because she did not meet her social expectations.

                                             Mrs. Bibbit looks like she stepped out of Goat Alley. So, who is she to talk???????????/

                                             This bitch did not cut hiss throat, but she was responsible for her own son's suicide. As was Ratched!

                                               What a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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