Sunday, July 17, 2016

"Public Relations???????? Sounds PRETTY DIRTY To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                            Remember when Bette Davis spoke that iconic line in "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte," darlings?  We gays have certainly come a long way; we may not have our own cigarette, like Virginia Slims, but now we are starting to be thought of in terms of retirement communities.  How's that for planning?  They probably can't wait to bury us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            My cynicism--acquired, like Karen Richards says, "the day I discovered I was different from little boys," and oh, boy, was I!!!!!!!--is prompted by what I have heard about Wilton Manors.  Of course, it is in Florida; strike one there, but it is also in the Fort Hamilton version of Goat Alley...and by a set of railroad tracks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             This can be viewed in two ways.  Once again, we are being marginalized, being relegated to the Wrong Side Of The Tracks.  On the  other hand, there might be more astuteness afoot than may at first be realized.  Near the railroad tracks was where Joan Crawford, as Lucy Harbin--just LOVE that crazy bitch, girls!!!!!!!!!!!--lived.  Who can forget that iconic shot of her stepping off the train, at night, with the camera panning up to reveal a remarkable recreation of a 1940's Joan, in the opening of "Strait-Jacket????"

                            Some developer might have tapped into the notion of placing Wilton Manors near the tracks, so gay men could play out their Lucy Harbin fantasies.  I mean, come on; how many of you out there have wanted to don that dress, wig, heels, and clanking jewelry, stepping off the train onto the station in the most noir of nights?  I know I have!

                            So, in a way, Wilton Manors gives TOQ's (Tired Out Queens) the chance to live out this fantasy!

                             As for me, darlings, I will wait for The Baby Jane Hudson Rest Home!  I have PLENTY of fantasies to live out there!

                              Besides, I wouldn't be able to afford the "Hello, Gorgeous?" Pines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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