Friday, July 15, 2016

It Isn't Easy, Being A Kennedy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        It must have been fun being a Beale, what with the two Edies, and all, but it sure is not easy being a Kennedy.  All that money, and what does one do?  Forget a career; why should one need to work?  With the sole exception of Caroline, who pursues a life, and has convictions, the women wring their hands in tragedy, and play stock versions of Mary Tyrone, while the men, for the most part, are alcoholics, who can't keep their pants on.  One of these alcoholics is Robert Kennedy, Jr., pictured, whom I used to have a modicum of respect for, when both of us were young, as I thought he would make something of himself.

                    Mr. Kennedy has altered that opinion by publishing a book claiming his cousin, Michael Skakel, a scumbag, if there ever was one--and what a porker!!!!--murdered Martha Moxley, in that famous murder, back on Halloween, 1975.

                     Kennedy says Skakel is being framed for a crime he did not comitt, and that--get this, girls--the killers were two teenagers from the Bronx.

                      Great timing, what with all the racial tensions in this country.  You know Kennedy will affirm that the kids were Black, but what I want to know is, what would teens from the Bronx, especially back then, know about Greenwich, Connecticut?  What does slime from the Bronx, even today, know about Greenwich, or anything???????????????

                       Martha Moxley was bludgeoned to death with a golf club by a teen aged Skakel, whose ego could not handle her rejection of him.  It still couldn't.  I mean, the kid masturbated over her corpse, to the point of ejaculation!!!!!!!!!!  Not even very many adult killers do that!  Or anyone else!

                       Skakel, from the get-go was, and remains, a sexual psychotic. If this scumbag is released, it will decrease property values in Greenwich.

                         Justice was done for Martha.  Leave her alone.

                         Roast Skakel on a pig spit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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