Thursday, July 14, 2016

A Romantic And Realistic Novel Of New York!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Remember all the fuss, back in 1986 (my God; that was thirty years ago!!!!!!!) surrounding Tama Janowitz' book, "Slaves Of New York?"  The media made you feel that if you did not read it, you were nothing.  Well, I  never got around to reading it, and here I am, now writing.  And where the hell is Tama?  Probably on that Island Of Losers, having tea with Julie Taymor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      "Tuesday Nights In 1980," is Molly Prentiss' first novel.  It is set in the period that Tama wrote about, only Miss Prentiss is a better writer than Tama.  The way she presents a disparate group of characters, telling their stories, and bringing their narrative tropes together, is nothing short of brilliant.

                                         Miss Prentiss understands the importance of structure, straightforwards, yet engaging prose, which gets the rhythms of Manhattan SO right, it took me right back to that time, which was when I was just beginning to come into my own in New York.  The only thing I questioned was Prentiss' use of the bar, The Eagle. Was she just using a generic name, or didn't she realize it is actually a gay bar?  And still around!   But who goes there anymore???????????

                                           Now, that would be a story there, but I don't have time to hang out at a Headquarters For The Desperate.  Besides, my story would not be half as interesting as Miss Prentiss'.  And I love how she gives James and Marge what they want, even if it wasn't the way the wanted it, at first.

                                           But, you will have to read the book, to find out what I mean.  It is well worth it.

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