Thursday, July 14, 2016

Two Selfish Bitches, Who Wanted To Keep Everything They Had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Recently, I had a chance to watch the classic 1991 "Law And Order" episode "In Memory Of."  This was based on the George Franklin case, involving repressed memory.  In real life, George's grown daughter said she recalled her father raping and murdering her playmate, Susan Nason, while she was nearby.  Franklin was convicted and imprisoned, but the whole repressed memory thing was overturned, and he was released.  Personally, I think he did it, and if her is out there, he does not deserve to walk the streets.

                         The "Law And Order" episode begins with construction workers, demolishing an abandoned apartment building.  Within the walls of the basement, where the laundry was, are found the skeletal remains of a young boy.  The remains turn out to be Tommy Keegan, who went missing, three decades before, in 1962.  The detectives talk to surviving residents of that building back then, whom they track down.  One of them turns out to be Julie Atkinson, a flower shop owner, and veteran of bad relationships, so traumatized by her parents, Thaddeus and Catherine Messimer (played by Michael Higgins and  Rosemary Murphy) she has disowned them.  Julie is played by Mary Joan Negro; what ever happened to her, she was a good actress!!!!!!!!!  As she is questioned, she recalls walking home from school with Tommy (with whom she was friends) that day.  Her mother went to a meeting of some sort, her father was home, and when she woke up to use the bathroom,she saw him covered in blood, washing a blue sweater.  He gave her a monstrous look.  When Mrs. Keegan finds out, she realizes Thaddeus, who mentored Tommy, must have killed him.  Especially when a former coworker of his tells a story of their communting back to the city from the suburbs. Thad goes to use the men's room, but does not come out.  The coworker walks in, and finds a cop ready to charge Thad with child molestation, but the worker talks him out of it. But there is a boy nearby, in the bathroom. Julie testifies, Thad admits to the crime, and is put away.  But I maintain his wife, Catherine, should have been charged, and put away. That bitch knew exactly what her husband was, and when Tommy went missing, I bet she knew he did it, and all she thought about was not poor Tommy, or her daughter, Julie, or Mrs.Keegan (who was widowed; hence Thad mentoring Tommy), bu  that they would be found out.  I have no doubt she knew just what her husband was.  Which makes Catherine Messimer the first winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award

                         Seeing this episode brought back memories of the 2007 "Cold Case" episode, "Offender."
In that one, Clayton Hathaway, the six-year-old son of Mitch and Tara Hathaway, goes missing one Sunday.  back in 1987.  His body is found at Mitch's construction site, raped and murdered.  Mitch is the obvious suspect, he goes to prison, and his wife Tara (played by Jordan Baker) left him, calling him a monster.  In the present, Mitch is released on a technicality, with a vigilante's determination to kill every sex offender in the area, until he finds his son's killer. Lily and Company happen upon this, just as Mitch has done away with several pedophiles.  They elnist the aid of ex-wife, Tara, to stop him.  Tara recalls their friends, Clifford and Linda Burrell,  back then, living nearby.  Cliff and Linda helped search for Clay, and were very supportive.  But Tara recalls finding discarded pictures of a sleeping Johnny Burrell, in a bathroom cabinet.  She thought Mitch had taken these, but , when the detectives talk to the now grown Johnny, he reveals his dad, Cliff, took them.  All roads are leading to Cliff, as the killer of Clayton.  The child was bullied by another child, that day, and when Burrell went to help, he lured him into the garage, closed the door, where he raped and murdered Clay.  Mitch gets hold of Cliff on a rooftop, determined to avenge his son's killer, and then end his life.  Tara apologizes, and asks Mitch to forgive her for not believing him, saying they can start again,.Mitch backs off, he and Cliff are hauled off, and Clayton's ghost smiles, at seeing his parents reunited.

                        But, in a funeral; scene, set in the past, at the time of Clayton's death, the way Stephanie Manglaras, as Linda Burrell, played that scene, suggested to me, she not only knew what her husband was, but that the boy whose funeral service they were at had been killed by him.  Which is why Linda should have been hauled away with Cliff, making her the second winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                        Both situations are fictional.  But there are real life versions of these bitches, hiding behind their cloaks of respectability, just to keep their ill gotten gains.  I hope Time catches up to you losers, because if it doesn't, I will look you in the eyes, walking down the street, and smack you across the face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         What else can I do, darlings???????????????????????????????

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