Monday, July 25, 2016

Radio City Music Hall Advertising Department Is Sexist, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Each morning, as my beloved and I await the arrival of the train at our Manhattan bound subway platform, we see the ad shown here.  It faces the reverse of what it does here, but I find it striking.

                       On the surface, there is nothing wrong. The Rockettes are shown demonstrating their artistry, showcasing the event they are performing in, while a little girl beams her emotional and artistic exultation.

                         And therein lies the problem.

                        Why must is ALWAYS be a little girl?  Because, I am telling you, in Christmas Spectacular ads of past, and even this year, I bet one will be featured.

                           Are the arts only for girls?  Why can't little boys be seen at such shows?

                          And is anyone working today dumb enough to think that there are not some burgeoning gay boys out there, who themselves dream of being a Rockette!  This post is being written by one, right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            They are out there, have no fear!  It is up to the ad department to correct this sexist discrimination!

                              I want to see a little boy at Christmas!  If not, I hope some animal poops on stage during the Nativity.

                                 And may God forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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