Sunday, July 24, 2016

This Is How To Handle Difficult People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Nurse Ratched deserved what she got, no question about it.  As the Summer temperatures rise, so do people's tempers, and I am no exception.  Some behavior I see out there makes me think the perpetrators of such acts deserve what Nurse Ratched got.

                            Like this fat troll bitch of a mother, who was unfit to be a mother, and strictly White Trash.  You tell she was such by her size and ugliness, and, especially, because her upper elbow as tattooed.  What trash.

                             This sick excuse was on the D train I was riding, with her children.  The little girl, definitely over five, was well behaved.  Her younger sibling, a toddler, wasn't.  Now, it is Summer, it is hot, and toddlers do misbehave.  And mothers are going to get mad.  I am not saying this should be dealt with, but when the mother's screaming can be heard all over the train car, screaming in the child's face, like she hates him, to the point, where he is terrified, I had to wonder.

                             At what point should one intervene?  And what number does one call?  All this was running through my mind, and I was so upset over this, I got off the train with the mother and child, which turned out not to be my stop, but only at 53rd Street.  And you know what?  She was still screaming at, and fighting with this terrified child.  Which makes me wonder--if she acts so blatantly like this in public, what is she like behind closed doors?

                             I have everlasting regret I did not do something.  I felt for that child.

                             So thinking of Nurse Ratched being strangled makes me smile, and feel better!!!!!!!!!!!

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