Sunday, July 31, 2016

Seven Months Down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can You Believe It????????????????

                    What a July we had!  I took some time off, there were two political conventions, I saw a political documentary ("Wiener") that made me laugh, and you just read about our trip top Montauk.

                       Now, we face August, when Summer becomes routine, people look ahead to Fall, but not before all the fun and frolicking which must be done in this month, before one packs it up, and goes indoors, in the Fall.  It's enough to make one sing "Another Winter In A Summer Town," from "Grey Gardens!!!!!!!!!!"

                     So, July was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I had fun with all of you!  Now, we face a new month--bitches, barbecues, and m ore!  I will be here to tell you all about it!

                       Until August, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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