Monday, August 1, 2016

Welcome, August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Isn't his the month of Caesar, darlings???????????   Wasn't this month named for Augustus Caesar????????

                               In any case, this is the eighth month of the year.  Already!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I have always had an ambivalent relationship with it from when I was  a child, and it meant the next month was September, and Back To School.

                               August still gives me a creepy feeling.  Its end signals Summer winding down, which is depressing enough, and the coming darkness of Winter.  It is a little bit depressing.

                                 But just live in the here and now, girls, with this month bringing all kinds of fun, thrills excitement, and  literature!  Not to mention the 47th Anniversary of Woodstock!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Have fun in August, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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