Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Most Entertaining Read--So Far--Of The Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I owe Curits Sittenfeld something of an apology.  When this book first came out, months before, I made her Bitch Of The Week, for having the sheer audacity to take on Jane Austen.
She still rates that for said audacity.  However, the result is far more satisfying than I was led to expect, and while there were things to quibble at, I liked "Eligible" enough to devour in practically a single sitting. Whether that was because of Sittenfeld's  prose and style, or because I was coming right off a heart breaker, "The Light Between Oceans," is hard to say. My guess is both.

                               Now, let' face it. Most of the readers of "Eligible" are well versed with the Jane Austen novel.  I, for one, was curious how the Lydia situation would be handled.  I was more than satisfied with that, nor did I mind the novel being set in present day Cincinnati,  (same city as this week's Bitch Of The Week, but a whole other milieu) but I questioned keeping characters names the same; Austen figures could very well figure out who was who.  I mean, what parents today would name a child Fitzwilliam Cornelius Darcy?  I concede there may be plenty of Darcys  walking around, but not with such an antiquated name.

                                  For me, it was like reading several things at once.  I saw the characters here clearly, but I also saw Mary Boland as Mrs. Bennett; cannot get away from her. Caroline is still such a bitch, as she is in Austen, though more understated in the latter.  Kitty, who sometimes gets lost in the Austen shuffle, shows some distinction here.

                                    To say "Eligible" is more than entertaining, would be to certify Danielle Steel as literature.  Suffice it to say Sittenfeld does Austen no harm, while entertaining any reader who would take it on.

                                       I have a feeling Jane would be pleased. Though modest enough to keep quiet that she is the better writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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