Thursday, July 21, 2016

This Smack Ho' Is One Sick Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Fifty one years in prison is just what April Corcoran--no relation to the Disney Corcorans I can tell you!!!!!!!!!!!--deserves.   You know what this sick, addicted smack bitch ho' of a mother did?  To get her fix,, she pimped out her 11-year-old daughter--you hear me???--to her drug dealer.

                                  The drug dealer should be castrated. Not for selling, but for the underage sex.

                                   So, April is the perfect choice for this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Oh, and in addition, she would force the child to take heroin, which the kid quickly vomited up.

                                      April, you bitch, you will never see that kid again!  When I was just a toddler, and night would descend upon the city, in the opening sequence of the soap opera, "The Edge Of Night," I, being a Jersey kid, thought the city was New York!  It turned out to be Cincinnati, and Corocran represents the underbelly of it.

                                          Oh, get this, on several occasions the sleazy dealer video recorded the encounters, with the mom's approval.

                                             This poor child, now 13 is living with her father, stepmother, and two siblings. She reportedly suffers from trauma, suicidal thoughts, and is on meds.

                                               It will take a long time to make this child right--if ever!

                                               Meanwhile the smack ho' will spend most of her life in jail. If she is 32 now, she would be out by 83.  In which case, she could just rot in there.

                                                 You Creature From Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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