Wednesday, August 31, 2016

As August Ends, So Too, It Seems, Does The Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            "One last's time to dress...for Fall."
                                               --Michel Legrand, Theme of "Summer Of '42"

                                          Something about August always makes me sad. Even with being out of school for decades, it signals the beginning of the end of Summer, a time, which, despite the heat, I find most cheering. Maybe because the days are longer.  It's that Seasonal Affect Disorder, darlings!

                                             This picture is perfect, as the above lyric plays through my head.  We had an interesting August.  We went to Montauk, which was lovely.  We lost our beloved neighborhood canine friend, Stinky, who will always be remembered. There was the tragic loss of Daniel Fitzpataick, which shall haunt me.  We saw "The Wizard Of Oz on screen once again.

                                                 And yet....August.....once the "ber" months commence, the year flies.  I
have a birthday during that period, holidays coming up....the Fall has much to look forward to, and we have much to be thankful for.

                                                   Anugst. Eight months down.  It was good to us.

                                                   May September be the same.

                                                    See you then, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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