Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How Could I See Such A Beloved Film, With So Cold An Audience???????????????????????????

                         I mean, it was positively shocking!  There my beloved, David, and I were, with our friend, Judy, at BAM, on Sunday, seeing my all-time favorite film, which it took two years for me to catch up with on the big screen, since it did not get an Anniversary showing, as it should have, back in 2014.

                          David was seeing it on the big screen for the first time, so this was an important viewing for him.  A teacher I once had often said we are freshmen many times in our lives. So, it is, with virginity, darlings!!!!!!!!!  There is always some form of it to lose!  As David recently found out.

                             The print was clear and sharp.  The audience was attentive.  But they were so quiet--even the children--you would have thought they were at a wake.   It is not that I do not appreciate reverence during "The Wizard Of Oz," but, if you are seeing a film with an audience, any true fan of the film knows the rules--

                                           1. When the Metro lion roars on screen, you sit up attentively.

                                            2. When the title appears on the screen, you clap and shout wildly.

                                             3. When Judy Garland sings "Over The Rainbow," there is
                                                   church like silence, while tears cascade down your cheeks.

                                              4. When Miss Gulch first rides across the screen, you "boo"
                                                     and "hiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                                5. When Toto escapes her basket, applause breaks out

                                               6. When Dorothy steps into the Technicolor Oz, you applaud wildly.

                                                7. The audience automatically claps in rhythm to the song "You're
                                                         Out Of The Woods."

                                                  8. When Toto escapes the Witch's castle, applaud wildly!!!!!!

                                                  9. When Nikko, the monkey, applauds over the Witch's death, the
                                                        audience does, too.

                                                   10. When Dorothy bids farewell to Oz, you cry REAL tears.

                                                    11. When she hugs Toto, on the line "But, anyway, Toto, we're
                                                            home--HOME!," you cry copiously.

                                                    12.  When the end title appears on the screen there is roaring

                           This is standard operating procedure for viewing "The Wizard Of Oz" on the big screen., with an audience. The audience I saw it with was like a wet fish. Had they no respect for one of the most beloved films of all time.  One of the few things in Life that does not disappoint, and meets MY standards of perfection?????????????  Or is everyone just digitized out of any genuine feeling, empathy, or appreciation for artistry???????????????

                               I fear the last may be true.  But those of us who grew up with the annual TV showings--and you all know who you are, darlings--know better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Let the joyous news be spread!  "The Wizard Of Oz" is NEVER dead!!!!!!!!!!!

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