Thursday, August 11, 2016

From Trailer Trash To Trailer Trash, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  It happened in Jonesboro, Arkansas, which is a supremely White Trash state.  I mean, what do people do there?  Sit around eating Doritos, distending their  obese bellies in cluttered trailer parks, while guzzling down beer?????? From what I have heard about Arkansas, there is not much more to do there, so maybe it is all inevitable.

                                    Michelle Despain, winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, was born into trailer trash, and had she stayed there, maybe things would not have turned out the way they did. But, no, Missy thought she had to move up and out, and look what it got her.

                                      Michelle thought she was marrying up, when she met Marc Despain, from a real estate family.  She drove a wedge between this guy and his family, had Marc start a business, and goaded him into the get up and go that maybe Marc was not interested in.  But was Michelle interested in doing any work!  Oh, no! She was interested in being kept and supported!!!!!!!  Bitch!  It was all about Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       She was Michelle Kelly before she married Marc, and many thought Carl, her father-n-law, bearing a grudge against Marc, whose own father was alleged by Michelle to have molested his granddaughter.

                                         This bitch Michelle, she concocted the whole thing, with her dad being the killer.  Terrence Baker and Johnny Hubbard were also in on the conspiracy, but I am telling you, Michelle's dad, at the request of his daughter, murdered her husband, shooting him at home, in cold blood.

                                           It was for that old saw--she wanted out of the marriage, but no divorce, and no custody issue, and she wanted the life insurance money--so murder was the simplest solution.


                                             The murder was done on August 24, 2011.  Michelle drew a 30 year prison sentence, and her father, 35.  I hope they serve every second of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               You thought you would move up in the world, Michelle, but you couldn't because you were trailer trash, and trailer trash you will always be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  I know all about my class distinctions, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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