Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Girls, I Have GOT To Apologize!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Girls, I am sorry to say my postings have been down, as of late.  Sure, it is the Summer, the endless repetition of shootings, and the lack of Broadway gossip,what with us between seasons, but something else seems to have seeped into the picture.   My health.

                            You know by now that I am a member of the High Blood Pressure club. That is doing nicely. Recently, I was placed on Metformin for our family's genetic bugaboo--Type 2 diabetes.  Now, I am watching what I eat, and trying to maintain things, but when your thyroid is out of commission, and some of the meds--I take 14 in all!!!!!!!--do things to your weight and metabolism, that is an issue.

                              But even more.  It deprives me of the energy I used to have, and that got me to the computer, and write. When I do it, I am off and running. But setting to do it has gotten harder, especially when I have put myself on a Aggressive Summer Reading program. My own Advanced Placement, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Let me tell you, aging becomes a real balancing act between what one wants to, can,, and does not want to do, nor can.  Which is why my posts have been down, and for that I am SO sorry. But not to fear.  I think, as I adjust to things, they will come up.

                                  The South may not rise again, darlings, but I, surer as hell, will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You need to go paleo. It reversed my type 2 completely and I'm down to a minimum dose of thyroid mess. Google paleo and Pete Evans. The best thing about the lifestyle is it really cuts down on hunger levels. Good luck xx


  2. Thanks so much for the info. I will check it out!

  3. Prioritize your health, RQ, and be careful in this stultifying heat! We can wait, albeit impatiently, for you to post when you're inspired and energized. We need you at your pulpit for many years to come!
