Friday, September 2, 2016

Let's Start September Off, With Mary-Louise Parker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               And doesn't she look stunning, girls??????????  That look, that  killer hair!!!!!!!!!!
We are so excited about her upcoming play, "Heisenberg," written by Simon Stephens, and directed by Mark Brokaw.  Mary-Louise is co-starring with Dennis Arndt, but, like, darlings, who the hell will be able to keep their eyes off her?????????????????????

                                   Speaking of which, just look what she is wearing.  Now, I always knew Mary-Louise was a woman of class and intelligence, but it is nice to see her proudly demonstrate both, for all to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She knows what's in store for us if Hilary loses!!!!!!!!!!!!  And we all want Hillary to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Just like we want Mary-Louise to win another TONY Award.  The play starts performing, in previews, and opens on October 13.  I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        See you, then, Mary-Louise!!!!!!!!!!  And I expect my girls to be on the aisle with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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