Friday, September 2, 2016

Take A Good Look, Girls!!!!!!!!! THIS Is What Will Happen To Us, If Trump Gets Elected!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           When I first saw the film version of "Cabaret," I was stunned by the song "Tomorrow Belongs To Me."  I loved the way Bob Fosse made this a musical moment without a dance step, save the camera movement.  The blond boy, the young girl, and the old man, were telling us things that I grasped on the surface, but lacked the background to grasp the underlying implications.
Today, when I watch this sequence, I can barely get through it. It is simultaneously beautiful and chilling.

                              Exactly what the Holocaust was. Its promises were beautiful and lyrical, at least for some, But how many were deceived by it?  Not just those directly targeted, but those who fervently believed, like the girl, and the brown shirt boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 What happened to them?  Were they wiped out, in spite of their beliefs?  I would not be a bit surprised!!!!!!!!!!  I always wondered about the real life inspirations for Max and The Baroness in "The Sound Of Music."

                                    The whole thing started out, with Hitler being a clownish figure. Which accounted, later for the brilliance of the Carol Burnett sketch, featuring Tim Conway, with his Hitler puppet.

                                       Well heed my warnings, girls!  Think of the beer garden in "Cabaret," and you have the same thing. Only those assembled are not Germans, but Americans who support Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I greatly fear minority persecution of all kinds,not to mention interment camps, should this American fascist be elected!
No wonder the old man looks so disillusioned he wants to cry. He knows full well what is about to happen. He has seen it before, and feels powerless against it.

Well, darlings, those of us who are  of age, have become the old man.  Such will be our fate, if Trump is elected.  It happened here. It can, and might, happen again.

But don't just take my word for it. Watch the YouTube excerpt, and see for yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!

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