Saturday, September 3, 2016

To Think That Women Actually Dressed This Way, Once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Darlings, it was the Fifties, which many of us think of as an era of glamour, but if one was not glamorous, this was the best you could do.  I had intended this to be a humorous post, but this is Louise, the sympathetic Avon lady in the 1996 film, "If These Walls Could Talk."  She is featured in the film's most compelling story, "1952," wherein Demi Moore, as nurse Claire Donnelly, literally bleeds to death on her kitchen floor.  It gave me nightmares the first time I saw it--to think, that was twenty years ago; can you believe it, dears????--and, on a recent viewing it still is as upsetting as ever, only I have a few questions to throw out.

                          But, first, let me say how fascinating it was, that, in the era, when abortion was illegal, the women were a sort of secret community of their own.  Indeed, Louise herself can ask around, and has heard rumors about an abandoned house in a seedy section of town.  Others give out names of people they know, or who knows someone.  It was like an Underground railroad, where women were willing to help a fellow sister in plight.

                          Of course, Claire's situation is scripted, but fairly plausible.  She is widowed, pregnant, but the dramatic tension come from who impregnated her--Kevin, her late (Korean war death) husband's younger brother.  He happens to be a member of the most tight assed, hypocritical Irish Catholic family; the Donnellys even outdo some of my relatives.  Claire is caught; she has no money, and with the situation, and her family's judgemental outlook, which Catherine Keener, as Becky shows, in a brilliant sequence, when Claire reveals her plight.  So, the alternative and outcome cannot be good.  The saddest thing of all, Claire goes into the whole thing, knowing this.  Many would say, "Well, this was how it was in that time."  Yes, but here come some questions, and, girls--especially REAL girls-- if you have any ideas, throw them out.

                        1.  What will happen when Claire is finally found dead?

                        2. How will Becky react, knowing what Claire died from?

                        3. How will Kevin react, knowing he was the cause?

                         4 .After Becky judges her, that would have finished me with
                            the Donnellys!  Why doesn't Claire throw the truth in their
                            faces?  The relationship is over, because Becky's behavior will
                            be noticed, and eventually found out, so why not tell them?
                            While they will forevermore hate Claire, they might be hypocritical
                             enough to give her money for the procedure safely, or may be
                             egotistical enough, allowing her to have the baby, and help her
                             through that.  However, they will  use what they see as her
                             promiscuity--because it will be her fault, not Kevin's--to take
                             custody away from her.

                         5. What of Kevin?  In light of Claire's death, how does he live
                              with himself?  And if his family finds out, will he be tossed out?
                              What is his future?  The youngest, Kevin looks as though he is
                               still in college.  Not after he gets found out!

                          6.  The last scene with Claire dying--I once discussed this with someone
                                twenty years ago.  The person told me their grandmother, who
                                recalled this era, knew a lot.  She had had friends who died "mysterious
                                deaths."  It was never talked about, but all the women knew.  She
                                also said that someone in Claire's situation could not call the
                                hospital until they were at the point of just about passing out.
                                Otherwise, they would be prosecuted for abortion.  Is this true?
                                Can you imagine?

                    So, that's it.  What started out to be a humorous post turned serious.  I fear the return of these days, if Trump is elected.  I fear for the younger generation of women.

                     But see this film.  It is still relevant, and Demi does the best acting ever!  For me, this is her signature performance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       This past must not be allowed to be repeated. May there be no more Claire Donnellys.

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