Monday, December 5, 2016

20 Days, And Counting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The clock is slowly winding down, until the big Holiday arrives.  Our canine friends, Cujo and Chloe, have already begun their Christmas shopping, and you should see how smartly Cujo's house is decorated!!!!!!!!!!!!!  That lovable Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Sure, we all think there is lots of time, but, in the blink of an eye, that time will be lost, and blind panic will be creeping up.  I know, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!  It happens every year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Let's see, what Christmas classic will be used today?

                                 How about "I Saw Three Ships?"  That gets the Christmas blood rushing, and who can top the Mormon Tabernacle Choir???????????????

                                  Better than "The Book Of Mormon," dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Wonder why both films chose the Carol of the Bells. I suppose the repetitive, almost monotonous melody line could be considered hypnotic or otherworldly. Obsessive, maybe?


  2. I have performed "Carol Of The Bells" in choirs, and
    when it all comes together, there is something genuinely
    hypnotic about it!
