Sunday, December 11, 2016

Here Are The Real Life Dandy And Gloria Mott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I had not seen the new ID program, "Dead Silence," until last evening, and I have to say I hand it to them for coming up with some cases I did not know about.  The first was the tale of R. J. Faba, and let me say right off, the actor playing him was much better looking than the actual guy.  Had he looked like the actor, Faba could have charmed even me, but this mug, are you kidding???????????

                              It all took place in Florida--I am telling you, what is it about that state????????.  St Augustine, to be exact, where Faba lived with his mother--red flag, there!!!!!--on the outskirts of the city in an isolated area known as Stokes March.  I am telling you, if Ryan Murphy or any of the writers of "American Horror Story" knew about this, it could surely have been the basis for Dandy and Gloria Mott.

                             Like the Motts, it was not a happy household.  Something happened during his delivery.  For eight minutes, he was still born, as the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck.  Doctors managed to save the infant, but who knows at what cost to the brain?  So, that is trouble, right there.

                                Next, as it turns out, his father was a paranoid schizophrenic, at least according to Mom Debbie.  So the potential for inheritance was there, not to mention, with the rampant abuse Daddy heaped upon the child, hatred and anger grew; so much so, that, upon adulthood, R.J. Faba strangled his father, then hanged his body from a tree out front, to make it look like a suicide.  Yes, darlings, this on-his-way serial killer's first victim, was Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 You have to ask questions about Mother  Debbie.  Did she know what had happened?  Or did she turn a blind eye out of obsessive, quasi-incestuous love, like Gloria Mott, or maybe because she was scared if she said anything she would be next?  My guess is--all of the above.

                                 Now, as ID told it, this girl named Alicia Eakins, hooked up with Faba.  She was rooming with a bunch of nuts, so she is desperate to find a place of normalcy.  One day, while painting by a gorgeous lake out near Faba's area, she runs into him, strikes up a friendship, and, before you can say "Love In The Afternoon," she move in with Faba and his mother, who welcomes her as routinely as a church parishioner.  Or is she thinking, "Here comes another victim?"  If so, she was right, because, after things turned sexual--which is hilarious, because Faba supposedly supported himself as a ballroom dancer, (he dropped out of school in the ninth grade) and the actor playing him was too good looking to be straight, plus...a ballroom dancer?????????  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!--Alicia Eakins went missing.  That was on March 5, 2000.  Two months later, sixteen-year-old nymphet Angela Darling's car broke down near the Faba home, and she became victim number two.  Faba was apprehended after this murder, while Eakins went missing for another eight years.  He is in prison, for life, but what I want to know is, what happened to Mama?

                                Was she complicit, too?  Or is she just blithely living in the house, half delusional, half denying, out of her mind, like Gloria Mott????  My guess is, that is the answer.

                                 When I watched the ID story, I could see how the girls could be swayed by Faba.  But, in real life, he was just plug ugly.  His evil was clearly visible on his face.

                                    It's when it is not that one has to worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The name of the area is "Stokes Landing", not "Stokes March"
    Second, I have been a Ballroom Dancer for almost 10 years. (In St. Augustine, no less). You appear to be quite fixated on appearance. If you had met male ballroom dancers before making your uninformed comment, you would know that Ballroom is strenuous. Most of the men are straight, and extremely well built. Dancing is a lot of work, and especially for teachers, they have to have a lot of stamina, and nobody is going to pay to be taught by someone who looks like they haven't been off the couch in 5 years.

    I don't know where you come from, but in St. A we try not to be superficial, homophobic haters


  2. Unknown,

    I am the last person to be
    called homophobic. I have, at
    the very least, seen the film
    "Strictly Ballroom," so I have an
    idea of how strenouous and hard working
    one has to be at this art. In fact, a couple
    I knew--he died--were taking classes.

    I know people who have done "A Chorus Line,"
    so don't tell me I don't know about dance.
    I only have not expereinced it first hand. I
    know my limitations.

    As for being fixated on appearance, well,
    darling, who, today isn't?

  3. Glad that you know your limitations. They include spelling.


  4. Unknown,
    Cheers to you, darling. Of
    course I have limitations, which
    is why some stuff does not make it
    on to here.

    As for spelling, there used to be
    a spellchecker, but it has been
    eliminated. My husband reads the
    posts before, and points out errors
    to me, and I fix them

    IF you caught any in this post,
    I cannot find them! Otherwise
    I would have fixed them!

    You are free to question my brilliance,
    but, believe me, it is for REAL!

  5. I need to know WHY they didn't elaborate on the two men that found Faba Jr. digging a grave with a dead teenager next to it? Who are they? What did they do to subdue him? Please help me.

  6. My name is Tonya Spencer-Pittman that is my comment above. Lol

  7. Tonya,

    You raise some interesting
    queestions. Thanks for sharing.
    I will look into it, and should
    I find anything, I will let you
    know, on here.

  8. I don't know about the queen part, but I totally get the raving!! Why argue, just be who you are & be proud !

  9. Swamp gas does strange things to the mind.
