Sunday, December 11, 2016

What Idiot Thought This Up???????????????????

                              The first time I ever heard of Santa Con was several years ago, when my beloved and I were riding in a bus down Fifth Avenue, taking in the sights that way, due to the cold, and saw this stream of Santas on the steps of the 42nd Street branch of The New York Public Library.  I thought that was its first year, but now the media says it has been around for twenty years, so where the hell have I been?  You can bet we did not go into Manhattan yesterday.

                              More to the point, I don't know the name of the guy (and it had to have been a guy) but I can tell you he was your college stereotype--a steroid loaded dumb jock who could not get laid beyond his tube sock, and thought this would be a way for him to score!  Of such idiocy are some traditions made, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Really, this has become more of a burden and annoyance than anything else?  Charity?  Bullshit; don't kid me!  It is just an excuse, like the St. Patrick's Day Parade, for youth and the otherwise immature to score, get drunk, throw up, and show how hung they may be by pissing publicly in the street.  Who needs this vulgarity at Holiday time?

                                 I support the protesters who were saying this tradition should be abolished.  They should have been declared heroes, not hauled off, and arrested.

                                  This event would have even disgusted Hannah Jelkes, darling?  But, then is this event actually human?

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