Thursday, December 15, 2016

These Two Bitches Are No Laurie And Curley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Forget "Oklahoma!," "where the wind comes rustling down the plain."  When it comes to that state, these two pieces of garbage, who were arrested on child abuse charges last week, in their home in Owasso--what kind of shit town is that?  who ever heard of it?  and who would want to go there?--after their nine month old twins were found abused.  One was reduced to almost a skeleton, due to neglect.

                        It is not known what the twins' gender is, although I am guessing boys. One nurse saw a maggot crawling out of one infant's genitals, and another had feces in his ear.  To make matters worse, these scum have two other kids, who seemed unharmed.

                         Listen, you winners of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, birth control is accessible to White Trash.  Aislyn Miller is some fat pig who didn't want children, so why just not have them?  Because Daddy Kevin won't do it, unless there is no birth control, so he can get what is considered real pussy!!!!!!!!!!  What would I know, darlings??????????

                          Aislyn probably ate all the baby food and formula. Hell, she would eat anything that gets in her way.  I can't wait to see her lifted from a hospital bed on "My Six Hundred Pound Life," and then smacked good across the buttocks!

                           As for Kevin Fowler, what kind of work does this bum do?  Just screw fat pussy?  You cannot make a living off that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            They are ugly and are evil. They should be locked up for life.

                             Mama June may have been trash, but she never abused her kids like this. And she cleaned up her act!

                               These two can't even clean up their house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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