Tuesday, January 31, 2017

This Has To Be My Most Cheerful January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Despite it being almost my birthday month, and that of my beloved's, the start of January, especially when the post-Holidays slump hits on the second, has always done me in, emotionally.

          For the first time I can recall, I never enjoyed the month so much, as so much happened--New Years, marriage, the retirement party--and that is just for starters!!!!!!!  I shall always cherish the memories of this month.  I hope the rest of 2017 goes well for us (my beloved and I) as well as all of you.

See you next month, with more gossip, and party pics!!!!!!!!

Not since Hedda and Louella, darlings!!!!!!!!!

And one twelfth of the year is through!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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