Sunday, July 30, 2017

Here Is What Happens When You Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Well, girls, yesterday David and I commenced my Independent Bookstore Project, which I shall report on.  But, first, we walked along Smith Street in Brooklyn, which I want to tell you is an experience.

                             It may not have been, had we gotten off at an earlier stop--like Carroll Street.  But we got off at Bergen, and I want to tell you, for the first couple of blocks it was pretty dicey, like walking through a war zone.  Or the East Village, in the Seventies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             During our sojourn, we heard this wonderful dialogue exchange--

                             "Well, she's certainly no saint!"
                             " She called me, from prison!"

                             Now, if I were so inclined, I could take these two remarks, and run with them.  The things one inadvertently picks up are inherently fascinating.  You don't hear talk like this, all the time.

                              As the street began to get more business-y, I felt comfortable.  We stopped at a charming Danish eatery, and had a very light lunch.

                              Would  I come back to this nabe, again?  Maybe if I got off at Carroll Street.

                               Or is there was an event big enough to lure me there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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