Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Independent Book Store Project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                If there is one thing I care about, in this town--and I know I am not alone--it is the independent bookstore.  When I am not in my apartment, I live at Three Lives and The Strand, but it has occurred to me there are more stores at large than that, and attention should be paid.

                                 Now, I don't know if this is going to make me into a bibliotheque Julie Powell; really, I have not thought that far ahead.  But, my plan is to intermittently visit a different indie store, of course purchase a book, and get a sense for what makes them different from the rest, and write about it here.  I plan to start with Books Are Magic, in Brooklyn, and finish with The Strand and Three Lives.

                                 So stay tuned, as I do my "New York Literary Pub Crawl Of Indie Book Stores!"

                                  Maybe I will see you there, or get you to go there!

                                  We're going to have fun, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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