Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"But Not From You, Dears, Not From You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Leave it to me, dears, to paraphrase Rhoda Penmark in "The Bad Seed."  

                           I just want you to know there will be no Brat Packing on here for awhile.  Having consumed Tama Janowitz, and slogged through Bret Easton Ellis--which took some doing--I will not be writing about that group for awhile.  The next book posts seen on here will be varied and fun.  Depending on how fast I read and post, I should return to the project, refreshed, as early as month's end, as late as early Fall.

                           But I will still be on here girls, posting my outrageous, yet cogent, observations, as they pop up in my mind!

                           See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Some of my favorites, to read to the children are, Plantpet by Elise Primavera. Perfect the Pig by Susan Jeschke, Brush by Pere Calders, and The Tub People by Pam Conrad. Mr. Bret Easton Ellis could learn a thing or two from these authors.


  2. He could learn a thing or two
    from "Goodnight, Moon!"
