Thursday, August 17, 2017

Another One Of My Crazy Theatrical Dreams--"A Chorus Line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                For me to dream, theatrically, at night, when asleep, is not unusual at all.  Neither is the dream involving certain musicals, like "A Chorus Line."  I have probably dreamt more about this show than any other.

                               The dreams usually involve seeing the show from an unusual perspective--like from the wings.  Or being inside the heads of some of the actors, while they perform the role.

                                 Of course, I did see the Legendary Original Cast, which is why they are pictured, and, of course, the performer in me wanted to do this show, but when I was young enough to, I hadn't the dance training, and, now that I am older and heavier, I still have no dance training, and have aged out of it.  But, still, it preys on my mind.

                                  This dream was so unusual because it was in color and so specific.  There was a reality about it seeming more genuine than the other ACL dreams, and it was a bit of the actor's nightmare.

                                    The way it went--I was in a production of "A Chorus Line," which was about to open, once again, at the Paper Mill Playhouse, in Millburn, New Jersey.  The stage was set, and I recall staring at the white line, standing in place, and walking along it.

                                       Out of the wings, a stage manager appeared, reminding to put my name on the sign-in sheet, so management would know I was here.  I go to do so, and the first thing I notice is I am not listed, nor do I have any idea of what role I am playing.

                                          My guess would be Mark, but there is no indication.  Or one of the minor dancers, who, after they are eliminated, retreat backstage, or down below, to give strong vocal reinforcement to the bigger ensemble numbers, like 'Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen,' or "What I Did For Love."

                                          I am walking back and forth, behind the stage, when one of my costars, who, I can tell, by his height, demeanor, and hair style, is playing Gregg, comes along and tells me everything is in chaos.  He is dressed in his costume for the Finale--but only about half of it.  He says most of the costumes have not arrived, and that I am probably going to have to dance the show in my street clothes.

                                           Now, I have so much to worry about.  I know the songs, and the lines, but not the steps.  I don't even where I am placed in the opening formation.  What on earth do I do?

                                            The scene freezes, with me staring into space, wondering.

                                             What could it mean?  What do you think?

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