Thursday, August 17, 2017

This Sick Bitch's Story Plays Out Like An Early John Waters Movie!

                                        Can you believe it is Thursday already, girls?  Time for Bitch Of The Week, and I have one of the sickest for you this time.

                                         The saying goes you can't make this shit up, but, unfortunately, shit is involved in the story.  I will try and go easy.

                                          The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Colorado resident, Mark Redwine.

                                         Here is what happened.  Mark and his ex-wife were involved in a bitter custody dispute, over Dylan, then 13.  What is interesting is that he should want the kid, as he and the boy did not get along.  Yet, Dylan was allowed to go visit his father, for Thanksgiving, back in 2012.

                                         Dylan wanted to visit a friend of his, the day after arriving.  The friend reported he not only did not show up, but Dylan was never seen again.

                                          When the child's remains were found, throughout the Colorado mountains, sometime in 2013, Mark was looked at with suspicion.

                                            That he murdered his own child is heinous enough.  But his reason for doing is almost too sick for words, so brace yourselves, girls.

                                             Dylan was murdered because he found compromising photos, showing his own father, dressed in women's clothes, and make-up, holding up a diaper to his face, and eating feces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               The diaper and feces turned out to be his own!  Dylan and Mark must have had some kind of confrontation, and he murdered the kid.  What's more, his older brother, Cory, backed this up, saying he had seen the photos, too!


                                                  Mark Redwine is just too ugly to pass as a woman!  He lived in Colorado, for God's sake, and he was allegedly (emphasis on that word!) straight, so what the hell did he know about fashion, or taste?

                                                   As for the rest of it, was he impersonating a nursing home resident?  That is an insult to all who actually do reside in such places.  Including my father, who, at 102, may have faulty memory lapses, but would never think of acting out in such a way!

                                                   Dylan would have been murdered, even if his father was not depicted eating his own excrement.  But that pushes things a bit over the edge!

                                                     Not only is Mark Redwine sick, I don't even care why.

                                                     He is looking good for the Top Ten, at year's end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Excuse me while I become violently ill !!


  2. I know, and I am sorry.
    I tired to write it as delicately
    as I could without being vague.
