Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Special Blog Post To Our Beloved Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             If you live in Bay Ridge, as I do, you know Seamus.  Now, Deirdre and Michael Williams may operate the pet supply store, Paws Truly, on Third Avenue, but Seamus is the one they really work for.  Also known as Famous Seamus, and Mr. Bay Ridge, he brings joy and love to everyone who comes through the store.  He is a real social ambassador.

                              I just love Seamus, as I am sure many out there do.  Well, the lovable Labradoodle needs our wishes and prayers.

                               It seems Seamus has been nursing a discomforting mouth infection for awhile, and, noticing his movements, his owners took him in for an exam, and to have the infection treated.  When I inquired the other day, I am told he was going to be fine.

                               But he may be out of the store for awhile, so I want all of  you who love Seamus--in Bay Ridge, and beyond, to stop by Paws Truly, and wish him the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Seamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Aww I love him!!
    I have a little Yorkie named Casey, she's pretty neat too.


  2. Isn't Seamus cute?
    And he is so good natured.
    I am going to stop by the store today,
    and see how he is doing!
