Friday, September 22, 2017

Maybe It Is Time To Listen To Jacinta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      She was, after all, the holiest child at Fatima.  And a recently canonized saint!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Now, I don't have an confirmation from the On High, but word has been circulating about that the world will end catastrophically tomorrow.  As Gojira told me earlier this morning, people have been hinting at that for thousands of years...and he has been around longer.  Hell, he knew Nostradamus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I am not too certain myself.  This isn't, after all, "On The Beach," by Neville Shute, and I sure am not Ava Gardner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       So, it might be a good idea to pray to Jacinta, just in case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       But I hope to be back with my girls, soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I have always found this portrait of her oddly terrifying.

    She has the eerily-assured posture of Cindy Crawford working the Versace runway, coupled with an expression of utter pitiless contempt toward her viewers. Her eyes bore into us from decades ago, burning with still-immediate judgement.

    Any interest I have in learning the "final secret" withers under her gaze. I don't think I really want to know what she knows.


  2. She doesn't have the serenity of
    Bernadette's photos. Bernadette looks
    calm, like she is seeing a vision.

    Jacinta was only 7, so maybe she
    thought looking petulant suggested

    Now the guy says the world will
    end on October 21!
