Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"AHS: Cult" Was Such Fun, Last Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         It may not ending up being the best season of the series, but its potential is highly enjoyable.

                         Yes, Sarah Paulson, as Ally, is still running about, like a hysterical nut, though she may have a point this time.  And John Carroll Lynch, as the lovable Twisty, made another brilliant appearance; he has GOT to be given more screen time.   And Billie Lourd is still stealing the show as the creepy Nanny, Winter Anderson.  What is it, with those Judy Garland, Dorothy of Oz braids?  And the rest of her dressed like a prostitute?  I love when she gave Oz a Twisty doll; she could give me one.  But, I am telling you, I think she is up to something, and I think I know what."

                          The cult is slowly closing in on Ally and Ivy, and Oz, though I cannot imagine why, except that, in a representational sense, they are the New Mainstream that the Old is trying to keep at bay.  When Evan Peters, in one of his two big scenes, as Kai, said to Sarah Paulson something about "them coming for you," I knew that he, Winter, and those creepy new neighbors, the Wiltons, he who raises bees, and she who stays out of the sun because of cancer--or is it vampirism????  I really cannot tell--are all aligned, and in on something, and they are closing in on the lesbian couple and offspring next door.   If you think Ally's hysterics are pointless now, wait; eventually she is going to have something to get genuinely hysterical about.

                          I can see this coming, as clearly as my husband knew Ally was going to shoot the Mexican (but born in San Diego) grocery clerk, Pedro.  Which was a tragedy, though whomever murdered that faux chef wannabe and power monger, Roger, should get a metal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          A fun evening was had by all, darlings!  Now, it is just a matter of sitting back, and seeing if I am right!  And waiting for the coming of Lily Rabe, Frances Conroy, Kathy Bates, or whomever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           That media whore, Ryan Murphy!  If he could get Charles Manson to make an appearance on this show, he would!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Eh, I'm bored with it already.

    After six years, I'm finally over Ryan's predictable "everything but the kitchen sink, none of which adds up to anything" routine. The one time that actually did work was "Asylum", which despite some flaws remains head and shoulders above any other AHS season.

    Billie Lourd remains a standout, but she can't carry the whole thing by herself for much longer. I don't care in the slightest about anyone else. Sarah is simply phoning it in (since she has zilch to work with), Alison Pill is being made a fool of (you'd never know what an amazing actress she is from this drivel), Billy Eichner should stay in his own lane, Ozzie is paint-by-numbers killer bait, and that completely ridiculous blue-tinted "man-bun" on Evan Peters just doesn't jibe with his character at all (its an obvious pander to the teen girls that idolize the actor at the expense of credibility). This whole setup is another of Ryan's MacGuffins that go nowhere: why exactly would this merry band of demented libertarian terrorists target the most boring lesbian couple in Michigan for their cult? What would be the advantage in expending all that effort to recruit Sarah, when she's obviously so useless she can't even wipe her own ass? Maybe we'll get an explanation before the mid-season pivot to "cults thru history", but probably not.

    BTW, the idea of ANY lesbian couple running a meat-promoting restaurant called "The Butchery", with one of the women literally spending her days carving up intact cow carcasses, is beyond laughable. More unrealistic than Evan's blue man-bun: how the hell are lesbians not protesting FX over this?

    Still love Twisty, and I'll fight you for that doll if they ever market one.


  2. Maybe we can file for joint custody of the Twisty
    doll. That is, if David will allow it in the house.

    I want to see how many of my predictions will emerge
    as true.

    The dramatic pace is the slowest I have seen. It is
    time to amp things up a bit.
