Thursday, September 14, 2017

Get Over Yourself, James!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Remember the wonderful Lance Kerwin show, "James, At 15?"  There was a slight controversy over the character losing his virginity, after which the series became "James At 16."

                         That is sixteen, not "James, Post 60!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                          This week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, James Woods, used to be a respected actor.  He started out with Meryl Streep in "Holocaust."  Don't you mess with her daughters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Now, I don't want to get into the whole Woody Allen-Roman Polanski thing, though perhaps I must.  Whatever lapses of judgment both have made, they have never lost their artistry.

                            Woods' career tanked so long ago, I cannot remember.  Now, he trolls Hollywood, indulging in that community's three favorite activities--drinking, drugging, and whoring.

                              Not that that does not go on in New York, but we are more sensible here about things like craft and artistry.  Forget "La La Land."  New York is still THE place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Woods fancies himself some gift to underage women, according to Amber Tamblyn, Russ' daughter.  After propositioning one girl, only to be told she was only sixteen, Woods simply replied, "Even better."

                             Hey, James, have you looked at yourself in the mirror, lately?  You have no career, the looks you had are gone, and the only women who would go out with you are biddies from the nursing home, or rehab center, where you are due to end up, who have yet to have their cataract surgery, so they cannot see how ugly you are!

                             You pig!  You're finished!

                              Grab a tube sock!  It's your only chance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. He was funny on Family Guy, that's about it


  2. I am not a fan of Family Guy,
    but my husband, David, loves it.
    What did Wood play on there?

  3. Himself.
    In other words, a real putz lol

  4. He's actually pretty funny playing himself on Family Guy. Whatever story bit they give him is usually self-deprecating.

    The town high school is named after him, creating an open door for whenever he wants to do a cameo.
