Wednesday, September 20, 2017

And So Goes Another Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               You know the drill, girls.  Tomorrow, as I was taught, is the First Day of Fall.  If Proserpina is not fully packed by now, she better make one more round of the designer outlets, before she heads off tomorrow for her six month visit to Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               So today is the last day of Summer.  As Michel Legrand said, it is time for "one last caress."    As Judy Collins said, more prosaically, "Sad deserted shore....your fickle friends are leaving."

                                Even though it was a rather mild--in terms of events and weather--it is still sad to see this happiest of seasons come to a halt, muting into the mellowness of Fall, and cozying up to each other, plus, hopefully, forthcoming exciting cultural and literary events.

                                 How to really say farewell to Summer?  I have an idea--

                                 Here is Christine Ebersole singing "Another Winter In A Summer Town" from "Grey Gardens!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  See you in the Fall, loves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Gah! I forgot how much I *loved* that number when I saw the show!

    Thanks for reminding me: I never did pick up the cast recording.


  2. Christine Ebersole was so brilliant
    performing it. One of the best shows I
    have seen over the last several years.
