Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Neighbor Trouble Can Be The Worst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Last night's episode of "American Horror Story:  Cult" turns out to be more like Rod Serling's "The Monsters Are On Maple Street," only taken up several notches.  The scariest moment I had was when Kai said something to Ally--and I sort of agreed with him.  But just for a second!

                             I have to say things are livening up on this show.  Sarah Paulson's Ally has finally found her mojo, and is confronting everyone--the Wiltons, that tramp. Winter, and just about everyone in her wake!  I love it!  Meanwhile, Oz is slowly transforming into something, from all this, which, I still say, will be frightening.

                             I hope Ivy does not leave Ally, because I would hate to lose Alison Pill.  But who was that couple in Dr. Vincent's office?  The woman is traumatized by boxes, for being abused that way by her grandfather, only to get home, and be attacked by clowns who put both in the very caskets she fears.  What the hell is this all about?

                             The Wiltons, who chair the Nicole Kidman Fan Club, which should tell anyone something is wrong with them right there, are ambushed by Ally, but, then he goes all ballistic when it appears his wife--you know, the vampire!!!!!!!!--has been murdered, and he points the finger at Ally!

                              And blood drenched Smiley faces are everywhere--at the Mayfair-Richards, and the Wiltons?  So, what the hell is going on?

                             I still maintain Kai and Winter are engineering all this, that Kai is solicitous to Ally because he is Oz' biological father, which is going to mean custody trouble.  But how or why Ally is coming over to Kai's side--which was made clear last night--will be fascinating to see.

                             My only complaint was I missed Twisty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             And, on some season, can't they bring back Ma Petite?????????????

                            Or maybe Ma Petite is one smart cookie--she has seen the scripts, and is not a bit interested!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. This is the first AHS season that I've just viscerally despised altogether. I "get" why its entertaining to some people, but it simply annoys the crap out of me minute by minute.

    Some of its down the terrible character writing, some of it to the blatant tone-deaf politics, but I think mostly its the overuse of "Magical Plot Devices". What I mean is, cheap scare tactics that are impossibly conjured within 10 seconds. This sort of lazy gimmick was perfected by "The Walking Dead" after AMC ousted Frank Darabont and replaced him with total hacks-for-hire.

    The Walking Dead has been relentlessly mocked since season three for its "magical teleporting zombies" (no zombies around for miles, then when they need to goose the plot a pack of them just suddenly appear behind a lead character, despite the fact it has been very plainly established that they move very slowly and are noisy as all hell).

    AHS: Cult has modified this gimmick into "magically teleporting death cult". The two lesbians leave their house to yell at a neighbor 10 feet away for 20 seconds. Within that 20 seconds, while their child stand unreactive in the front doorway, a gang manages to sneak into their house, trash it, paint the walls in blood, pop their pet into the microwave, and depart: completely undetected. Its bullshit storytelling of the worst kind. You could excuse it if this were a typical supernatural-tinged AHS, but since Miz Ryan has taken such great pains to expound this season is "totally real", that excuse doesn't fly anymore.

    Ryan needs to pull this nonsense story together fast and get it back on track as plausible reality. The repetitive "well, she hallucinates" and "well, its scary so who cares if its possible" stunts need to go.


  2. It is building to something, but
    so slowly. And I, too, am worried
    about losing Alison Pill. This
    show would not stand a chance without
    her. It needs some presence of sanity.

    I am waiting for Frances Conroy to
    show up!


  3. Thanks, dear, but I don't
    need to solicit.
