Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Darlings, I Have GOT To Find Out What Kind Of Moisturizer Jennifer Lawrence Uses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Not since the other Jennifer (Jones) of decades ago, has an actress had as creamy a complexion as Jennifer Lawrence, which is photographed to perfection in "Mother" (or "mother.!" however you care to write it).  It almost does not matter, because the film is essentially a two hour mind fuck, and there is no right or wrong to it.  But, there are two important points that have to be gotten out of the way first.

                             When Jennifer Lawrence takes that shower, and then steps out, oh, my God, how I wanted to look like her!  Be prepared for that, girls!  That we could all look like Jennifer Lawrence!

                               Second, when Michelle Pfeiffer--yes, darlings, Michelle Pfeiffer--offers you a cold, refreshing glass of lemonade, you had better damn well take it.

                                As for the movie, it seems to be two in one.  The first half is straight up Biblical allegory, and you can count them off one by one-- Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah and The Flood, even Abraham and Isaac, though, in this version, Isaac does not get saved.  Is he some kind of Christ figure here?  That is one of many questions to ponder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                This is the first half of the movie, enlivened considerably by Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer, in a way unseen since Ruth Gordon and Sidney Blackmer enlivened "Rosemary's Baby."  Any resemblance to that iconic classic ends here.

                                 So--Jen runs around the house, so her body can be adored, occasionally swallowing some liquid, orange concoction--weren't Pfeiffer's lemonades enough?  Is this Knox gelatin?  Some kind of Laxative?  Jen stops taking it when she becomes pregnant, after which the film pretty much becomes what I had been expecting--a homage to Polanksi's "Repulsion," with Jennifer, instead of Catherine Deneuve, going bat shit crazy in a house, not an apartment, with a human heart, instead of a mutilated, pre-"Fatal Attraction" rabbit.  But, then comes those last seconds, which turns all having gone before on its head.

                                 Caution--the film was made with a hand held camera, so, like my David, if this makes one nauseous, stay away!  No woman in any stage of pregnancy should see it!

                                   If you figure out any more than I can--or care--you are welcome to try.

                                    Meanwhile, I will retreat to my kitchen, and have a cool drink!

                                    If only Michelle Pfeiffer were there to give it to me!  We could drink, discuss hair, and  fashions!


  1. The writer/director hinted it was about climate change


  2. It may very well have been.
    But that is as good a guess as any.

  3. This was Lawrence's biggest disaster since "Passengers" bombed last year. "Mother" didn't make a dime this opening weekend (people ran to see "It" a second time instead), so will likely head straight to cable by Halloween. Too bad for Javier, Michele and Ed, tho.

    Jenneifer deserves it after her utterly obnoxious comment that the Floridians and Texans devastated by recent hurricanes "are reaping nature's punishment because they didn't vote for Hillary". I used to like Jennifer, but thats unacceptable on any any level. Celebrities really need to get their heads out of superheated political rhetoric and concentrate on their work (especially the one's who've been overpaid stars since the age of 18, and have no concept whatsoever of life as an actual human being).

  4. You're right; the movie is
    not making a dime. The
    theater was pretty empty,
    when we saw it.

    I had no idea Jennifer
    said such a horrible thing.
    She should stick to her looks,
    and stay out of politics!
