Tuesday, September 19, 2017

We Have A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               It is always gratifying to get a new reader, but in the face of this hurricane strewn September, it is more than refreshing.  With all my girls, I would like to welcome Pamela Purvis to these pages.  Welcome, Pam, and I am hoping you find things to enjoy on here.

                                As always, this blog goes best with morning coffee.  It is never far from me, when I write.

                                A perfect time to come here, as we are fast approaching all kind of holiday seasons.  That always makes for some good posts!

                                 And, as always, here is this blog's unofficial theme--

                                 It is always Deborah Harry's "Call Me!"  I cannot post it now, but give it a listen elsewhere!  Enjoy, and welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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