Monday, September 18, 2017

I Found Some Gems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Yes, both David and I made it to the Brooklyn Book Festival, where, of course, I was on the prowl.  For books, what else?

                             Everyone, and I mean everyone, devoted to fiction, was looking for the new Jennifer Egan book, "Manhattan Beach."  Alas, that does not come out until October 5.  I found a table where it and some other gems were being raffled off, but that was a contest!  And there was a manuscript copy on another table, but if one was not a participant in the festival, one could not so much as lay hands on it.

                            Of course I was disappointed.  But, that did not stop me from finding the new Nicole Krauss novel, "Forest Dark," which I cannot wait to read.   I also managed to land the new Jesmyn Ward novel, "Sing, Unburied Sing," which is shaping up to be one of the most talked about books of the year, and then something I have heard about all year, but haven't had a chance yet to read--"Pond," by Claire-Louise Bennett.  All this, plus what I already have to read, should keep me busy, for a long time.

                            We met up with our friend, Judy, and made do with a light meal at "Teresa's," on Montague Street.  Even if I didn't score Jennifer Egan!

                              We will have to talk about that, on October 5, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I guess I'll see what the fuss is all about.
    I'll be honest, I couldn't get into "Geek Squad"
    Too confusing for me; the dots have to be closer together lol


  2. I was not crazy about 'Goon Squad' either,
    but the word on the new one it is more
    daring and inventive. We shall see!
