Saturday, September 16, 2017

You Have GOT To Be Kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Just when I think films cannot sink lower, along comes this crap called "Battle Of The Sexes," featuring my least favorite actress, Emma Stone, as Billie Jean King, and Steve Carrell, whom I happen to like, as Bobby Riggs.

                                 The first question is, who cares?

                                  The 1973 pairing of these then tennis icons was the silliest media event in the time I have spent on this planet.  Who gave a damn, then, and who will, now???????????

                                    Emma Stone has enough trouble looking pretty when she is dolled up to the max, as she was in "La La Land!!!!!!!!!"   This film demonstrates it does not take much, to make her ugly; all it takes is glasses, and a faux wig.  Her impersonation of Billie Jean is the cheapest I have seen; belonging more as a Made For TV movie--remember those????--than on the big screen.  Even Billie Jean herself was not this unattractive.

                                     The one I pity most is Steve Carell, whom I consider to be an attractive man.  He is talented, but is he so desperate to prove he can transition from comedy to drama, that he will accept anything that comes his way?  And hasn't he already demonstrated this, in better films, like "Little Miss Sunshine," and "Dan, In Real Life?"

                                      Hang in there, Steve!  Your time is coming!  It is just not going to be with this film!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Who is going to give a shit, now, anyway??????????????????????

                                        Besides, the best tennis scene in film history was when Celeste Holm, dressed as a nun, held her own on the court, in 1949's "Come To The Stable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


  1. I know.
    Did you know that Martina Navratilova is married now, with two stepdaughters?
    And still playing tennis and coaching st age sixty!

  2. The is the most tone-deaf piece of "too young" miscasting I've seen since Barbra Streisand played Dolly Levi.

    Emma Stone is the perpetual 14 year old smarmy schoolgirl.

    This will either sink or swim depending on how cannily it panders to the current vogue for history re-framed thru todays distorted obsessions (and whether enough SJW types will pay $18 to see it).


  3. Victoria,

    I had no idea she was in the game still.
    Talk about a name from the past!


  4. Darling,

    Why is this movie even being made?
    Does anyone care? This could be career
    tankers for both, and I like Carell.

    Heaven help us!
