Friday, September 29, 2017

Darlings, This Could Be Manhattan's Next Hottest Cruising Spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Thursday was doctor's day for both of us.  I had to visit my neurologist, and David had to see his lung doctor, up at Mount Sinai.  So, though I don't let going all the way up there on the East Side--I am afraid of beyond the designer shops on Madison, of course--we met there, and had lunch in the cafeteria.

                                 Girls, I am telling you, you have to go.  If your mother's fantasy for you, or even your own, has been to marry a gorgeous doctor, this is the one place, where you will stand a chance.

                                   The place is just teeming with cute young guys in green scrubs--yummy!!!!!!--and handsome, lucrative physicians, in those white coats.

                                     I am ashamed I never thought of this, during my spinster days.  But, back then, I do not think the hospital was as built up, and the neighborhood was probably more dicey.

                                     But for those who may be seeking that special someone, this is a viable option!

                                      All for the price of a subway ride, and a meal.

                                      Cheaper than those dating websites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Not a bad idea!
    Reminded me of that old saying about girls attending college just long enough to get their "MRS" degree lol

  2. During my time in college, I could
    pick out the girls who were there for
    that reason. Does it still go on?
    I thought my generation was the last.
