Friday, September 29, 2017

The Next Stop On My Bookstore Exploration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I have been long overdue, to write about a bookstore, and since I was in the neighborhood of this one--and seldom am--I decided to take full advantage of this one.

                                 Many of us who live outside it do not like trekking up to the Upper East Side, unless it is for a reason.  Well, this is a reason.  The exterior of this store is so perfect it is like "The Shop Around The Corner," or "She Loves Me!," where one expects the late Margaret Sullivan, or Barbara Cook, to come out and help patrons.

                                 The staff who are there are informative, and engaging.

                                  But, first, picture, all you confirmed book readers,  a studio apartment, or at least one room in your larger than studio apartment, where the walls are nothing but bookshelves, covered with books.  That is what greets one upon walking inside, and is enough to make one scream with delight.  There are tables with the latest selections, and not so new fiction up against a left wall.

                                    Best of all, for those who like to collect them, if you are looking for works that are part of The New York Review Of Books Classics, this is the place to come to!

                                     Of course, I perused.  And, of course I did not come away empty handed.  I bought the new Julia Glass, "A House Among The Trees," and "What To Do About The Solomons," by Bethany Ball.  I cannot wait to read them.

                                      The guy who helped me was not only personable, but knowledgeable.  I happened to be wearing my "Runaways" T-Shirt, when the musical was done one summer at the ENCORES Summer Shows.  It turned out he had been working down at the Public when the original was getting on its feet, and saw it there many times.  As soon as I mentioned Josie De Guzman, and Trini Alvarado, he knew exactly who they were.  Which impressed me to the max.

                                       And gives me an extra incentive to recommend this bookstore.  It is a literary gem on the Upper East Side.

                                        Stop there, before checking in at The Carlyle, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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