Friday, September 29, 2017

Why Are These T-Shirts Met With Such Different Responses??????????????????????

                                       I admit it, I have an eclectic collection of T-Shirts, as much as anyone else out there.  But these two, in particular, elicit the most responses, and believe me, those are as different as can  be.

                                        This morning, for example, I was wearing my "Saving Anna" T-Shirt.  Anna is, of course, Anna Wintour, the editor of VOGUE, and, unlike Mayor DeBlasio, the most powerful figure in town.  Whenever I wear this, I am met with such derision.  Not homophobia, but disgust that I would support Anna Wintour.  What is so hateful about Anna?  Thank God for the taste and culture she brings to this town.   Sometimes, I feel, if it weren't for the two of us, there would not be any.

                                           Now, with "Attack Of The 50 Foot Woman," I get a different response.  Straight guys go crazy over the sexiness of the image, while sci-fi buffs stop to discuss the film with me, and its inherent campiness.  Which is a better response than Anna gets, but why should she get such a raw deal????????????????

                                           I am telling you.  At some point, I will get a Karen Cooper T-Shirt.  You know, the little girl from "Night Of The Living Dead," who stabs her mother with a garden spade?????  I can't wait to see the look on people's faces, when I wear that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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