Friday, September 1, 2017

Girls, You Have GOT To See And Hear This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I have no idea why "The Phantom Of The Opera," musical, has been on my mind, lately.  True, it coming up on a 30 year run, impressive in itself, and it has a number of pretty melodic phrases that occasionally float through my head.  Here is a favorite--

                                                       " 'No what I love best,' Lottie said,
                                                          'Is when I am asleep in my bed.
                                                           And the Angel Of Music sings songs in my head.
                                                           And the Angel Of Music" sings songs in my head.' "

                              There is a gorgeousness to this, when it is heard.

                                The song "Think Of Me" comes early in the show, and it is to 'Phantom' what "At The Ballet" is to "A Chorus Line"--the song that draws the viewer in, if the show is going to work, at all, for them.

                                  I have heard countless recordings of this song, all of them good.  And some I wish I could have heard, like Barbara Cook.  But I have never heard this song done as beautifully, by this children's choir, with this 11-year-old girl, Rachel, soloing.  Her composure, deportment, and technique, are so adult, it is almost inconceivable such sounds could be emanating from a child.  Apparently, at this age, Julie Andrews demonstrated the same promise.

                                    But just hear her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    This child's talent should be nurtured, carefully!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Indeed. So tragic when young talent is mishandled.


  2. My fervent hope is she
    is watched and guided carefully.
    She is truly gifted.
