Friday, September 1, 2017

How Dare This Be Done To "Gone With The Wind????????????????"

                              There is political correctness, and then there is shit!  Apparently, on August 11th's screening, at the Orpheum Theater in Memphis, of the 1939 classic, "Gone With The Wind," there was such negative feedback, that an annual Summer tradition for decades has been decided to be eliminated from ever being shown again.

                                What is going on here?  Is history trying to be rewritten. It is, after all, just a movie.

                                  Will "Doctor Zhivago" be banned, for its depiction of radical revolutionaries?

                                   Or "The Wizard Of Oz," because of the Munchkins??????????????

                                    This is what the Orpheum's decision amounts to.

                                    "Gone With The Wind" has been a highly regarded film for the past 78 years.  It is gorgeous to look at, beautifully filmed, and got me through my adolescence in one emotional piece, with its survivalist message, at the end of Part One, where Vivien Leigh, superb as Scarlett O'Hara, demonstrates that when kicked by Life, you kick right back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Which became my mantra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        I have never sat for a screening that wasn't packed!  And not just by White audiences.

                                         If this is carried out by the Orpheum, and leads to screenings of this film being abolished everywhere, personal freedom goes out the window.

                                          Just because I am pro-"Gone With The Wind" does not make me racist.   But to eliminate it altogether deprives one of personal choice.  Those who feel strongly against the film have the right to feel so, and also have the right not to see it.

                                            It is as simple as that.  Rather than take away something beloved by many, as attested by any screening I have attended.

                                            At least 40 of them, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            Aunt Pittypat would be appalled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Gone With The....pc crowd. What will be next. : ((


  2. I just read yesterday
    that the theater has recanted
    on this decision. Too many
    phone call complaints, drop
    in ticket sales, threats of
    never coming to the theater
    again, as well as this blog
    turned the tide!
