Thursday, September 21, 2017

Not Since Asami In "Audition" Has There Been A Bitch Like Manling Willimas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Most family annihilators are male, though some can be female, and when they are, the fury is especially deadly.  Manling Williams, this week's winner of The Raving Queen Bitch Of the Week Award, was one cold thing!

                              She and husband, Neal, met when young.  They married, and had two lovely boys.
Neal, unfortunately, was not the career/corporate type.  If he had continued working at Disneyland--the two lived in the Rowland Heights section of Los Angeles--maybe things would not have turned out the way they did.

                              But, like that bitch, Asami, Manling was ambitious.  So ambitious, she decided she was going to ditch the life and people she had, and start anew.  Some Medea, huh????????????

                              On the night of August 7, 2007, she coldly announced to hubby Neal, she was going out for an evening with the girls.  He thought nothing of it.

                                What Neal, aged 27, did not know, was that his 28-year-old life had, prior to leaving, matter of factly walked into the boys' room and smothered, "Othello" style, her sons Devon. aged 7, and Ian, aged 3.  Then she walked out the door, without so much as a glance back.

                                  You can bet this dumb bitch never heard of "Othello."  She heard of the almighty dollar, and that is what she wanted.  The evening out with the girls was a lie.  She was really dating an older high school sweetheart, whom she was planning to latch onto, thinking the kids would be an intrusion.

                                    Her plan was for Neal to find the boys dead, and then he would commit suicide.  That is what she was counting on.

                                     But things did not work out that way.  Neal just what to bed, having no idea danger was afoot.  Why should he?  But, when Manling got home, and discovered the truth, she knew she had to do something, and so she stabbed Neal 92 times, with one of the samurai swords from his collection!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Ninety two times!  Half a dozen would have done the job!

                                      This Napalm bitch deserves no mercy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Which is why she is now on death row!  Stay there, until you rot, Manling!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Yup and there are more like her out there.
    I saw a story like that on ID channel a while back.

  2. Correction Justice Network.
    We don't even get that channel anymore.
    I miss Dominic Dunne and Dayle Hinman


  3. I have never seen Justice Network.
    Loved Dominick Dunne, his books and his
    presence on TV. Who is Dayle Hinman?

  4. She is a criminal profiler.
    Her show was called Body Of Evidence.
    So fascinating.


  5. Am happily married, dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
