Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Trilogy Comes To An End!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I am not being unjust in saying that everything ends up hunky dory for Russell and Corinne.  What I did not realize, until reading the final volume of McInerney's "Calloway Trilogy" was how Dickensian it is.  The trilogy bears a striking similarity to "David Copperfield," in that David, the main character, was less interesting than all those swirling about him--Mr. Micawber, The Murdstones, Aunt Betsy, Mister Dick, Pegotty, Dora, Agnes, Uriah Heap....I could go on.

                                Same with "Bright, Precious Days," and the other books.  Russell and Corinne are key, but everyone else is more interesting.  Junky authors Jeff Perkins and Jack Carson, Corinne's acerbic mother, Jessie, and slut sister, Hillary--who, of course, did not go to Miss Porter's, like Corinne, which is one reason why she is a slut, because, as we all know, sluts do NOT come from Miss Porter's--the Calloway children, another slut, Trisha Cox....these are the more interesting characters.    Russell and Corrine are the least of it.

                                 Hey, remember the Disney film, "Those Calloways?"  They even own a poster of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                No editorial mistakes, this time, because you know who checked this book over, prior to publication?  None other than the great Donna Tartt!  Smart move, Jay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Of the trilogy, the two framers--first and third--are the best.  The middle one, "The Good Life," is something of a letdown.

                                 I wish Jay would now write a book about Hillary.  What becomes of girls who do not go to Miss Porter's????????????????????

                                 It's a relief, reaching the end, but, thankfully, Jay, unlike Jill, can write!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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